With Halloween fast approaching and Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party starting soon, I wanted to share some beginner tips for first time Walt Disney World guests on decorating your Disney resort windows like a pro.
It’s heard over and over from first time Disney resort visitors, “I didn’t think to bring decorations for our room”. DisneyrResort guests are like no other and this can be seen in window after window during the Halloween season at Walt Disney World. From a couple simple figures to elaborate displays filling the entire window, many Walt Disney World guests do it up right.

While all resort rooms have windows, the Moderate and Value Resorts with their exterior hallways offer the best windows to decorate so as others can see your eerie haunted holiday décor. In the weeks leading up to the Halloween season many of your local retailers have great, reasonably-price items that will pack and travel well. Look for things like static stickers or cardboard cutouts that can be placed in the windows. Suction cups work great for hanging small items such as plastic skeletons or bats. Purple or orange “Christmas” lights also work great for making your window stand out. Many of these are battery-operated for even more convenience. Don’t use tape that leaves a mess or one that is hard to remove. In fact, try not to use tape or stickers at all.
Decorating your Disney resort windows also will give kids something to do while mom and dad unpack and organize the room. Make up a decorating packet and pack it in your suitcase. When you check in give them their packets and let the creativity begin. This can keep them busy for quite some time while you get settled in. Throughout your vacation, they can add more as they find souvenirs, buttons, pins or other holiday themed items.

Visiting Walt Disney World for the first time can be overwhelming. Working with a travel agent specializing in first-time visitors to Walt Disney World (like me) can ensure you get the best vacation for the money and that you don’t miss out on any of the fun!
If you’d like to have Brian assist you with planning your Disney Vacation, click here and Brian will be happy to help!
Brian Skinner is an agent with MMP Travel who specializes in helping first-time vistitors to the Walt Disney World resort get the most out of their vacation time and budget.