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The Tumielewicz Family Took the Florida Plunge


I’m happy to introduce you to the Tumielewicz Family! Thank you Al and Leslie for taking the time to share your story with us.

The Tumielewicz Family

The Tumielewicz Family

Scott:  Who took the plunge? Al & Leslie:  We moved here with our daughters Keily and Beatriz who are both 12.

Scott:  When did you take the plunge? Al & Leslie:  We moved into our house on June 8, 2012.

Scott:  Where did you move from? Al & Leslie:  We are originally from Staten Island, New York.  From there we relocated to West Bangor, Pennsylvania which is about 12 miles south of the Poconos.  After spending 18 months in West Bangor, we took the Florida plunge!

Scott:  What area of Florida did you move to? Al & Leslie:  We are located on the far west side of Kissimmee.

Scott:  Why did you choose that area? Al & Leslie:  It was an area which was recommended by friends who had already relocated to Florida. Research on the schools and the fact we were looking to live near Celebration, Clermont and somewhere in Osceola County also help us decide.  It didn’t hurt that it was close to Disney and other attractions as well.

Scott:  Did you choose to buy or rent when you took your plunge and why? Al & Leslie:  We chose to rent as this would allow us time to ensure we were in the exact area we wanted to set roots.  Also, we had known others before us that took the plunge only to move back up North a short time alter.

Scott:  Why did you relocate to Orlando? Al:  Leslie and the girls were tired of the cold and snow.  They eventually talked me into the warm climate of Florida.

Scott:  Did you have any problems finding a job after you took the plunge? Al & Leslie:  Actually this was not a concern for us, as I had retired two years before in 2010 and Leslie had retired a few years earlier.

Scott:  What has been the most difficult part of your move? Leslie:  The most difficult part was waiting for Al’s final pension numbers to be resolved and finalized.  This added stress to the move since it was up in the air about what to take and whether to hire a moving company to get to Florida along with meeting everyday expenses.

Scott:  Now that you have taken the plunge and been here a couple of years, what is your 3 favorite things about living in Florida? Al & Leslie:  We love the beautiful weather.  We enjoy that there is so much to do compared to the isolation of living in the country.  We also really enjoy the beauty of the area and it’s surroundings.

Scott:  What advise would you offer to anyone considering taking the plunge? Leslie:  Don’t be afraid of considering it.  Don’t always listen to everyone telling you how much you will hate the heat and miserable Florida weather.  Al never liked the heat before but he adjusted to it and has actually complained when he gets cold.  The girls have gotten to a point where they wear jackets to school or when we go out because they are chilly.  The looks they get are funny when it is warm outside and they are wearing their jackets.  The only way you will know if Florida is right for you is to actually try it.  It is a different experience for everyone, no two families experience it completely alike.

Scott:  How far from Walt Disney World are you located? Al & Leslie:  We are only 15 minutes away.  Close enough to hear the fireworks every night!

Scott:  What is your families favorite Disney park: Al & Leslie:  We love hanging out at Magic Kingdom.

Scott:  What is your families favorite Disney attraction? Al & Leslie:  We really enjoy riding Haunted Mansion together as a family.  The girls, however, love riding Rock ‘n Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios.

Scott:  What is your families favorite Disney dining experience? Al & Leslie:  Our favorite is Be Our Guest, with Kona running a very close second.

Scott:  Who is your families favorite Disney character? Al & Leslie:  Belle and Ariel for the girls and Grumpy for Al!

Scott:  Heidi, do you have anything else you’d like to share with the readers? Al & Leslie:  Taking the Florida plunge can be a frightening and stressful experience for the whole family.  However, once you cross the Florida border and see the welcome sign you really do feel a sense of relief that you’ve made the long journey to your new home.  In a short period of time the Magic of your surroundings along with your new life begins to settle in and you find yourself becoming acclimated to our new home and existence.  Each of us now feels somehow, somewhere we actually belonged here and are meant to be where we landed.  This is our place, this is our new home.  We love it here and have settled our family’s new roots here in Florida.  A new chapter in the life of the Tumielewicz family has begun.


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The Florida Plunge Group is dedicated to those individuals and families looking to make the move, or take the “plunge” and live their Florida Life dreams. Whether you are just dreaming or have already started packing, our website, blog, Facebook Page, and private Facebook Group is filled with valuable resources to help you every step of the way. From vetted top Realtors, to Loan Officers, to movers we’ve got you covered. And if your looking for like minded individuals that are looking to take the plunge or wanting to talk to those that already have our private Facebook group is a safe place to ask all your questions. Everything from alligators and hurricanes, to schools and neighborhoods, it’s your one stop source for all the information needed to make your Florida living dreams come true!


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