This past weekend I was able to experience the history of the space program, see what is in store for future space missions and experience my first launch of the SpaceX-4 along with approximately 30 other space enthusiasts. It was truly a weekend where a dream of mine became reality and I was able to mark this adventure off of my plunge list.

The group of us were able to learn and experience quite a bit during our time at NASA.
ISS-RAPIDSCAT A Rapid Scatterometer launching on CRS-4 will be installed on the International Space Station and will measure “near-surface ocean wind speed and direction in Earth’s low and mid-latitudes” according to a press release. The data will help improve the forecasting of storms, hurricanes and provide insight into our planet’s climate.

THE CENTER FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE IN SPACE (CASIS) Since 2011 CASIS has been tasked “to manage, promote and broker research onboard the International Space Station U.S. National Laboratory (ISS),” according to press information.
Among the research investigations CASIS is sponsoring on SpaceX-4 are a bone densitometer by Techshot, materials testing in microgravity by COBRA Puma Golf, drug metabolism by the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, protein crystal growth by the University of Toledo and rodent research by Novartis.
MADE IN SPACE Many NASASocial participants were eager to learn more about a 3D Printer that was also launching on this mission. Once installed on board the ISS, the 3D Printer will be used to create a series of test items, parts and other objects to study while be manufactured in zero gravity.
Made in Space also announced an exciting program — Future Engineers — that could give some lucky K-12 students the chance to see one of their own designs printed in space.

LAUNCHPAD 39B Walking around on Launchpad 39B was amazing.



LAUNCH OF CRS-4 From Causeway (Sunday, September21, 2014 at 1:52AM EST)

Here is a short video I took of the launch of SpaceX-4.