Published December 8th, 2013 by Scott Parker
Wow! The Florida Plunge Holiday Scavenger Hunt is turning out to be a great success and it’s all because of you! I hope you are having a great time with your family and friends completing the challenges! I know we are having a great time seeing and sharing your photos. For those who haven’t submitted an entry yet, it’s not too late. Remember this is all about family fun and I’d love to see all of you involved. If you haven’t registered to play, just send me a note on Facebook or email and I’ll be happy to add you.
FANTASTIC job to all of you completed challenge 2. I loved the creativity that was used in a lot of these photos. And let me just say, several of the pictures in this challenge were Christmas Card worthy! Challenge 3 will be posted shortly. Remember, the participant with the most points WINS, not the team that completes the most challenges. So it’s not too late to get started!
Below are pictures of all #FPHSH Challenge 2 entries. You can check your standings in the scavenger hunt here.
#HolidayTradition #Disney #Hunting #Sports #Florida #ReindeerGames #Scavengerhunt #christmasgames #Holiday #TakingtheFloridaPlunge #HolidayYardArt #FloridaPlungeHoliday #ScottParker #Orlando #FPHSH #MickeyEars #funfamilyactivity #ChristmasPicture #MvoingtoOrlando #swimgoggles #Flroida #Christmas #FloridaPlungeHolidayScavengerHunt #games #SantaClaus #RecreationandSports #Relocating #swimmer