Way to go! The Florida Plunge Holiday Scavenger Hunt Challenge 2 is complete and all submissions are in. Way to break out those reindeer games, make memories and most of all HAVE FUN! I loved all of the pictures.
Here are the standings as of now!
In First Place we currently have a tie. With 29 TOTAL POINTS, congrats
Amy Shelley and Family AND Michelle Books and Family
Currently in 3rd Place, we have Josette Smith and Family with 28 Total Points
In 4th Place, Dave Drumheller and family with 24 Total Points
Here are some more great entries from Challenge 2!
Lisa Stinson and Family – 20 Total Points
Chasity Rosenberg – 20 Total Points
Jamie and Brandon Schelin – 19 Total Points
It’s still ANY PLUNGERS game! Stay Tuned, Challenge 3 will be out shortly!