Welcome to the 2nd Annual Florida Plunge Holiday Scavenger Hunt!
CHALLENGE 1 for the #FPHSH2 will sound familiar to those that participated last year!
For 5 Points – Take a picture of yourself next to a Christmas Blow Up while HOLDING A SIGN THAT SAYS #FPHSH2 . (Be Creative…you’ll see why below!)
BONUS POINTS: Maximum of 1 Bonus Point – receive 1 bonus point if 5 or more people (think friends, family, neighbors, even strangers) are posing in the picture with you. Maximum 10 Bonus Points – receive 1 point for every pair of Disney Ears being worn by a HUMAN in the picture.
CREATIVITY AWARD 10 Points are available to the person with the most creative #FPHSH2 sign!
Entry photos must be submitted to Taking the Florida Plunge or emailed to Florida Plunge by 11pm EST, Wednesday, December 3rd, 2013.
(Note: For emails, please mark subject FPHSH2 Challenge 1 and please include your first and last name in your post/email to ensure the points are given to the correct participant.)
Do you want in on this Florida Plunge Annual Event? Just email me at FlordaPlunge2013@gmail.com and I will add you to our scoreboard