It’s October and our house is starting to look like Fall has arrived in Florida. Kristi has decorated the fireplace mantle with mini pumpkins and scarecrows. There is the scent of a cinnamon, clove and orange moving through the house. Our front doors have Halloween wreaths hanging and our front lawn is decorated with a Mike & Sully blow up, a moving spider and The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. This past weekend, however, while admiring all the Fall and Halloween details my 10 year old pointed something out to me. I was shocked to hear him say We don’t have a Disney Pumpkin! He was right, we didn’t have a Disney pumpkin. It was at that moment that my bright eyed 10 year old said he’d carve us one. With that, he hopped on the internet and googled Images of Free Disney Templates Pumpkin Carving. To his surprise picture after picture appeared. Benjamin found the template he wanted to use and he also found our old pumpkin carving knife set that was packed with the Halloween decorations. The only thing he needed now was a…pumpkin. We didn’t have any “real” pumpkins lying around the house, so he decided to use a smaller foam pumpkin that was being used in Moms decorations. With that, he was off. I watched as Benjamin worked his magic on the foam pumpkin and helped when he needed. His creation was not the most difficult template and he says it doesn’t look perfect. I told him, however, that this is his creation and thanked him for carving out a piece of Disney for the whole family to enjoy for years to come.
Happy Fall and Happy Halloween!